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Skunk with This Tax Stinks coming from tail

NO on G !

No on Folsom's Measure G

Stop the Forever Tax!

Politicians want you to pay another multi-million tax hike!

 Enough is enough! Say “No” to Measure G.

Politicians and special interests claim the city has done everything to cut costs and raising your taxes is the only option. Do you believe them?

Folsom has a spending problem, not a revenue problem.

"Folsom Waste" at its best.  Looks like Folsom Waste is a prime example of "Folsom Waste" by our government.  Why do garbage trucks of all things need high-end vehicle wraps?  The City and supporters of raising taxes on you say the City has cut expenses to bare bones!  They claim there is no meat left on those bones.  Then why does every one of our City garbage trucks need gorgeous expensive, beautiful graphic wraps?  Only people with money to burn buy such things.  What did these cost?  Whose idea was it?  Our utility bill keeps going up and yet our trucks get beautiful graphics.   Why?

Tell us about other waste you see and experience with the City of Folsom.  Email us about it at

Click on the ISSUES link above for more info and examples of why Folsom's Forever Tax is so bad, not a good idea, and just plain wrong!



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No on G - Citizens Against Folsom Tax Initiative ID# 1467121
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